A Small Ant Dream

I too had a Dream. A small ant dream.


#newyear #dreams #life #poem #poet #author #blogger #faith #story #wish #pray

Most of the time i miss the whole story of my dreams…., soon after waking up. I always try to remember my last dream. And misses the middle part. Ahhhh…. it’s like…, missing major part of a film. But its okay. Soon.. am gonna miss rest of my dream too..(the whole movie)๐Ÿ˜‰

Every dream i seen expire fast from my memory. And i found one way, to recover my dreams. So i started to note down my dreams in a white paper with pencil, in early mornings. The strange thing i found was.. continuity in some of my dreams. But still not clear about those dreams. Some dreams are nightmares & lucid types.

All the dreams made me damn confused. Real world is so so so far compared to dreamily world. No connectivity.. no logic.. nothing. One thing is sure.. I had dreams that i cannot even test in this real world. I often wonder about many things i does.. more utimate than a super hero, in my dreams. I dout ๐Ÿค” while dreaming these all…, my inner mind may be laughing like a small child. Eeeeeehhhssssh..weeh…

My dreamy comedies.. are too funny in morning. Actually.. those are not so funny while am dreaming. Dreams happen in a magical world. No one knows – why, when, where, what all happening there. All things happen so sudden & can’t be clearly describe to anyone. How can i? As i said, i mostly remember only small small parts of my dreams. We can’t run away from the fact of grueling nighttime thoughts of tomorrow’s responsibilities & gone day’s stresses. But it is essential for all of us to keep calm & move to sleep in a happy mood, to make each sleep better. Special dreams are also available in my dreamflix ๐Ÿ˜‰.

2019 – month of Nov. 11th day 11:11 pm i fell to a deep sleep. White paper, pencil are all set. That night i had a small ant dream. Dream was so short. So….., that really helped me to rewind my dream next morning without a hitch & to note it well. Good writings & notes… always makes me feel fresh on sunshine mornings.

A small ant dream – i saw a black ant, busy walking alone. On the way to home, ant found a honeycomb. After a long travel, ant got sugar cubes, then a flower too. These all made ant dance with happiness. Afterwards ant seemed so tired by carrying all these things. Somehow ant was moving with huge load. Suddenly ant stopped walking and rested for some time.. laying on a milestone painted 300km.

Here comes the twist.

Again ant started to walk, carrying all these three things. Ant was then fascinated towards a piece of cheese near the woods. Then ant dropped all loads & gone for cheese. Cheese seemed much bigger than other three things in size.

[Some ants are strong enough to carry 100 times its own mass. Ants are active ones. We can’t we see them asleep. We can relate them with humans in many ways.]

The cheese captured the entire mind of ant. That made ant to skip all other things so quick.


There was another milestone painted 200km. Ant rested again for few minutes & started walking with cheese. After reaching the entrance of home, ant knew cheese was so large & unable to park inside. This made ant totally upset. Then i saw a shadow of darkness covered on ant from above. It was a hasty attack. And cheese was taken by a parrot in no time. Tears of sadness for skipped things made ant powerless. Thats all.. Dream turned off all the lights.

My dream was small. But i learned much more… We have to think wisely, while we are busy with several matters in our life. We often make missteps & ruin wise decisions. For new new greeds or desires, we wantedly avoids ‘Real Self’. What we really need? _____+_____+_____That’s what we have to hold and add to our life.

A greedy mind welcomes all.. & to destruction slowly. Likewise unwise actions can only lead us to sadness.

Past has no power. So… what we do next has some power within. We don’t wanna face past. We have to face being & life to come.

Some things are demanded by us only, not demanded by our life. Extras are optionals. We have to collect things which are useful and suitable in our life one by one. Following others greedy lifestyle can create only a short term happiness in our life. All are different characters on a single stage. Living a life with comparison attitudes.., make life more bitter or worst. Stop compare yourself with other people. They are living their life. You live yours. Not all desires end in happiness.

A well heed in questioning ourselves about – essentials & non essentials in all matters, aid us to succeed in life. Am happy & feel free to share my dream. Now.. i stopped bothering much on closed eyes dreams & started focusing on eyes open dreams. I can do it & i wish all my dreams may happen in my life. Dream it.. wish it… pray it….. make it happen.

With lots of love,

– Adwin

51 thoughts on “A Small Ant Dream

  1. My dreams have often been a mystery to me. What a fascinating idea, to write down what you can remember and look for patterns or continuations of the dream. Thank you for sharing these wise lessons we can all carry with us. A small ant, but big lessons!

  2. Like! Funny, I am also speaking my dreams into my phone when I wake up. For 3 weeks now my dreams have been very clear in my head when I wake up. What is happening?? I would rather just have a good night’s sleep ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Thanks for checking out my blog! ๐Ÿ™‚ Personally, I am so happy that most of my dreams aren’t weird. I don’t necessarily have nightmares but I have just some strange dreams that wouldn’t even make sense to Sigmund Freud. lol. ๐Ÿ™‚ But yes, the dreams I have loved, I wish they really happened. Cool dream you had! It’s remarkable how much weight an ant can carry! ๐Ÿ™‚ God bless.

  4. Nice writ.
    I too have had various sorts of dreams, some as weird as monsters flying over the school I studied at ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
    Some very good ones too.

  5. Powerful insights…really liked this ” Past has no power. Soโ€ฆ what we do next has some power within. We donโ€™t wanna face past. We have to face being & life to come” Thank you!

  6. Hi there. I am going around the neighborhood introducing myself. My name is Marc. My blog contains excerpts from my book The Driveway Rules. It contains memoirs about growing up with undiagnosed autism. I hope you stop by.

  7. Even I find some crazy things and places I never seen. The mystery is I recall my dream when I see same place for the very first time in real life which I had seen in dream someday back.